Find The Right Assisted Living Or Nursing Home In Ohio

  • Do you need help finding the right assisted living or nursing home facility?
  • Do you have a parent who needs assisted living, but won’t move
  • Are you concerned about how you will pay for it?

I’m Michelle Talbott, a Certified Senior Living Advisor with Ask-Carol!  I live right here in Ohio, and I’ve experienced these same issues myself with my grandfather, and helped many others. Talk to me right now at 1-419-617-0018 or fill out my Contact Form. I’m ready to provide expert guidance — and my advisory services are always free to seniors and their family members, or care takers.

There are many assisted living communities, each with its own personality, entrance requirements, costs, and level of services, so it is important to find the one that exactly meets your parent’s needs. Moving from home is never easy, and every situation is unique and personal. It’s critical to find the one that exactly meets your parent’s care and financial needs. I’ll help you work through these challenging decisions.

I’ll Guide You From Start to Finish – At No Cost

We’ll work together to find the best community for your parent (unlike others who just give you a list of places to call). I live right here and personally know the key people at nearly fifty area communities. You won’t get that experience from anyone else.

After learning your situation, I’ll suggest several communities and introduce you to their management. I’ll also help you avoid those that might not be suitable (while the websites all look great, under the covers they are very different!). Then I’ll continue working with you as long as you need me.

Again, there is no cost for my services. I am compensated by my large network of high-quality assisted living facilities.  I am also passionate about placing my clients in the right facility – even if it is a placement for which I receive no compensation at all.

I Am Here To Help

Call me at 1-419-617-0018 or fill out my Contact Form. I’ll talk with you personally and we’ll work together to find the best facility that meets the need of your family.

Talk With Me Today!